I want …

You know that feel­ing when you’re, say, walk­ing through the shop­ping mall, your mind filled numbly with your shop­ping list and your wor­ries of the day, and then you turn a cor­ner and there, right there, in a sil­ver-inlaid chest of mahogany, or maybe teak, piled high with rose petals and baby duck­lings, is reclin­ing a beau­ti­ful woman, com­plete­ly naked? Your mind kind of hic­coughs and skips around a bit, you start to sweat and your feet for­get where exact­ly it was that they were so bent on get­ting to and your hand says maybe, reach, touch …

That was pret­ty much my reac­tion last night when I wheeled into Star­bucks with my fam­i­ly and there, at the first table inside the door, sat a per­son with the new Apple Mac­Book Pro. It was open, the giant 17″ screen was … so … beautiful …

Words fail me. I think I need to be alone now.

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