Not afraid to ask

With the new cal­en­dar year we are going to try some new fea­tures here at The Float­ing Egg. For a long time now we have want­ed to work up a few reg­u­lar con­tent ‑bear­ing points in the week to anchor the rest of my blath­er­ing, and this week we are delight­ed to announce the first of these to actu­al­ly see the light of day.

We had thought of call­ing it “Things I could just as eas­i­ly look up on Wikipedia or Google but fig­ured it would be more amus­ing to make a dis­play of my igno­rance Tues­day” but that seemed a lit­tle too… too, and besides, Tues­days real­ly aren’t the best day for me. So instead, after end­less com­mit­tee meet­ings and mar­ket research, we are pre­sent­ing to you Not Afraid To Ask Thurs­day.

It’s not a big deal. I will dig into the deep bag of things I just don’t know, most­ly about pop­u­lar cul­ture but not exclu­sive­ly so, and hav­ing select­ed an exam­ple of my igno­rance, I will splash it up here. 

This is where you, the read­er, come in. After you have snort­ed cof­fee out your nose and called over your cubi­cle neigh­bor to point at the screen and laugh at me with you, all I ask is that you add some­thing in the com­ments that will guide me toward enlight­en­ment. You don’t have to dish it all out for me like pablum: I am just as hap­py, if not indeed more so, with wry/snide hints and clever cir­cum­lo­cu­tions. Links to Wikipedia will, of course, also be accept­able, but they will not bring me as much delight, so I think you should bear that fact in mind.

Let my igno­rance be made manifest!

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