Air Bake

I start hard, ped­al­ing strong, mov­ing into top gear with­in a block. The breeze is at my back, and I am fly­ing along this new stretch of road. The heat on my bare shoul­ders is imme­di­ate, like some­thing has been heat­ed and then pressed direct­ly and even­ly onto my skin.

Too hot, I think. I should have just stayed in my office and rolled up a new cen­taur druid char­ac­ter. I mean, how much car­dio do I real­ly need in one day? Espe­cial­ly when the heat index is 101°F, and the humid­i­ty is up around 60%. I guess that must be the crazy again.

As I breathe in the air off the new pave­ment makes my lungs feel as if they are about to crum­ple and melt like a plas­tic bag left in the oven. This is not a sen­sa­tion I find invig­o­rat­ing. I can’t even real­ly say it is pleas­ant. I should have brought some water along.

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