
Don’t wor­ry: I’m not going to blath­er on too much about my feel­ings and hopes and dreams and what­not, and how dis­ap­point­ing my life has turned out to be. It’s not that I’m not that kind of guy (I am): it’s just that I don’t want to waste your time, at least, not that much of it; cer­tain­ly no more than I already have. I just want things to be okay, so I don’t have to wor­ry so much about what you’re think­ing about what I did and why, pos­si­bly, I did it. You know, because I don’t want it to seem like I do these things on pur­pose to mess things up for any­one. Hon­est­ly, there is sur­pris­ing­ly lit­tle inten­tion­al­i­ty behind any of my actions, and that is the truth. I just want­ed you to know that, so we were clear from the start.

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