
If he had seen it com­ing, would it have been any eas­i­er to han­dle? Prob­a­bly not. The part that hurt the most was the feel­ing of betray­al. Which was odd, because she hadn’t exact­ly betrayed him; she had bro­ken up with him. It was just that he had trust­ed her so com­plete­ly, and it had nev­er occurred to him that she might not trust him to the same extent. 

He could see her point, of course, about how most boys would react to such a rev­e­la­tion: that she want­ed to pur­sue a rela­tion­ship with some­one else in her close cir­cle of friends. But he had real­ly thought that he was not most boys, that he was some­one spe­cial in her life, and that at the very least that would have mer­it­ed an open, frank admis­sion of this change of course. Arro­gance, per­haps, or naïveté, or a lit­tle of both. Either way, he had set him­self up to get hurt, and Fate does not like to pass up such opportunities. 

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