Red Mittens Everywhere

Seri­ous­ly, everywhere.

Now, I get that there are trends. There have been many times through­out my three decades of con­scious­ness con­cern­ing the world around me that there have been items of appar­el that have seemed, for a sea­son or so, ubiq­ui­tous. It seems like only yes­ter­day that every­one every­where seemed to be wear­ing heav­i­ly ven­ti­lat­ed plas­tic gar­den shoes for no appar­ent reason.

But noth­ing has real­ly pre­pared me for the Cana­di­ans and their red mittens.

The mit­tens in question.

Now, I haven’t done any sort of count, but it seems that at least every oth­er per­son I see on the street in Ottawa is sport­ing these exact mit­tens (or ‘mitts’ as they usu­al­ly call them). The com­par­i­son is skewed, I believe, by some inscrutable ele­ment of patri­ot­ic sen­ti­ment, I sup­pose. I believe these have some­thing to do with mar­ket­ing for last year’s Win­ter Olympics in Van­cou­ver, but a year lat­er they remain as ubiq­ui­tous as ever. Have these mit­tens become a wear­able coun­ter­part to the small Unit­ed States flags that became very near­ly oblig­a­tory to mount on ones vehi­cle in the months fol­low­ing 911? Is this the best way the Cana­di­ans have found of flaunt­ing their still-youth­ful patri­o­tism? Or is it a prac­ti­cal thing: are these mit­tens real­ly just that good?


  1. I think we’re just prac­ti­cal peo­ple, wear­ing mitts that have a lot of good use left in them after the Olympics… And hey, they look pret­ty sharp too! : )

  2. But then that kicks back the ques­tion to: why did so many of you buy these mit­tens in the first place? Did the pro­ceeds go to some out­stand­ing cause? Were they a real­ly great deal? Or were you all just real­ly that excit­ed about the Olympics?

  3. I don’t know about the red mit­tens, but I can cer­tain­ly vouch for the extreme com­fort fac­tor of the ‘heav­i­ly ven­ti­lat­ed gar­den shoes’. A pair of colour-coor­di­nat­ed socks makes them quite wear­able, even in the mid­dle of win­ter. As to the pop­u­lar­i­ty fac­tor, that’s nei­ther here nor there as far as I am concerned.

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