Still I live and still I write

Has it real­ly been a month and a half since my last entry? And equal­ly: is that all? It seems like an eter­ni­ty has passed…

Yes, I am still alive. I have a new job (one is tempt­ed to say new career, but that may be pre­ma­ture) that is pro­gress­ing. There are excit­ing events afoot in this new world I work in; excit­ing in the sense that oppor­tu­ni­ties for advance­ment may come my way far soon­er than I had dared to antic­i­pate. This is pleas­ant news, of course, but it also more than a bit fright­en­ing. How soon will I be drawn into some­thing over my head? Or will I rise swift­ly and con­fi­dent­ly to a posi­tion suit­ed more to both my tal­ents and my tem­pera­ment, some­thing where­in I find both chal­lenge and reward, as well as the pecu­niary com­pen­sa­tion to pro­vide for my fam­i­ly in a way I deem ade­quate? We shall see, per­haps very shortly.

More words are com­ing; I feel the pangs of their birth com­ing more and more fre­quent­ly. Soon it will be time for their deliv­ery, long over-due. I have a great many plans for pieces for this medi­um, as well as oth­er projects large and small. (Did you know I am writ­ing a book? Ask me how it is going; I am not yet suf­fi­cient­ly despon­dent on that front.) I hope, with a sin­cere hope large­ly free of des­per­a­tion, to share many of these ideas, ful­ly realised, with you in the com­ing weeks and months. (The book, of course, will be some­what longer in com­ing, but progress is once again being made there, too, after far too long a hiatus.)

So there you have it: yet anoth­er in the long his­to­ry of apolo­getic promis­es of future writ­ings from the one they call Bean­er. Will the pre­dic­tions be true this time? Or is his­to­ry inescapable? Wait and see!


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