Lit 6 Project + sold out = Really Excited!

It’s going to be a show. 

It’s going to be a party. 

It’s going to be some­thing to remem­ber when all oth­er mem­o­ries have fled and our fac­ul­ties failed us.

I am now count­ing the hours until tomor­row night’s sure-to-be-spec­tac­u­lar live radio show by the Lit 6 Project. For those of you not famil­iar, the Lit 6 are four local writ­ers (they used to be six, hence the name) who have cre­at­ed their own brand of col­lab­o­ra­tive live per­for­mance of their writ­ten work. Their out­stand­ing shows over the past few years have led to tremen­dous word-of-mouth buzz, and now the buzz is get­ting loud­er, thanks in part to a major fea­ture in the Min­neapo­lis Star Tri­bune two weeks ago. 

Tomorrow’s 8pm show (the sea­son open­er) is sold out, but a sec­ond “sneak pre­view” show has been added at 5pm, so check it out if you are so inclined! Details at the Lit 6 Project web­site.


  1. What a great show it was! The Lit 6 and their posse are real­ly hit­ting their stride. It was great to see them in a cool venue like the Ritz The­ater, and I can see that they will keep grow­ing in cool­ness as the year goes on.

    Up, up, and away to Kewl Land!

  2. I still can’t get over the musi­cal guest they had on the show this time. Local singer/songwriter Jere­my Messer­smith is amaz­ing; I haven’t been this excit­ed about an artist since 1999, when Jude’s No One Is Real­ly Beau­ti­ful did­n’t leave my cd play­er for an entire semes­ter. Messer­smith is very much my new Jude.

  3. Jere­my Messer­smith gets sore from writ­ing all those…pretty songs.”

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