
How do you dare to ques­tion me? You know who I am. You have seen the things I have done, so you know what I am capa­ble of, or at least imag­ine that you know. Believe me, there are far worse things I have done about which you know noth­ing. But I think what­ev­er you do know about should be more than enough to inform your deci­sion about whether or not to balk at my bidding.

No? You per­sist in this oppo­si­tion? Then you will know pain, you will learn pain such that you will won­der what it was that you ever thought to call “pain” before now. And per­haps then you will recon­sid­er your choice to refuse my orders. And, hav­ing con­vinced me of your hav­ing learned this les­son, per­haps then I will let you live with your pain. 

Or per­haps not. That is all up to me.

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