The Next Day

to do:

☐ show­er
☐ strip sheets from bed and put in washer
☐ check under bed for stray under­gar­ments (also, behind the dress­er & amongst the curtains)
☐ bet­ter check the liv­ing room, too
☐ call Mau­reen to make sure her flight is still on time
☐ vac­u­um whole house — keep eye out for any long red hairs
☐ put clean sheets in dryer
☐ wash, dry, and put away wine glasses
☐ remake bed
☐ check shirts, etc. for lip­stick and such
☐ relax — breathe
☐ clean up caller ID on home and cell phones
☐ take out trash
☐ go through whole house one more time
☐ pick up Mau­reen at airport
☐ shred this list

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