Why more cowbell?

Let me be per­fect­ly clear: I have no prob­lem accept­ing that there are cer­tain sit­u­a­tions which, with­out a doubt, require more cowbell.

I am how­ev­er absolute­ly in the dark on cer­tain points prefa­to­ry to this. To wit:

  • What on earth does this expres­sion mean?
  • Who do we have to thank for this?
  • Which sit­u­a­tions, pre­cise­ly, call for more cowbell?
  • How is this addi­tion­al cow­bell deliv­ered and/or administered?
  • When is more cow­bell just too much cowbell?

Thank  you.


  1. Let me be the first to offer my offer up cul­tur­al expla­na­tion. The phrase more cow­bell comes from a Will Fer­rell sketch on SNL about 10 years ago. The sketch takes place dur­ing a record­ing ses­sion for Blue Oys­ter Cult and fea­tures Christo­pher Walken as the pro­duc­er and Fer­rell as the band’s cow­bell play­er. Fer­rell, of course, plays cow­bell off beat and in peo­ple’s faces and Walken, as the pro­duc­er, keeps say­ing the song needs more cow­bell. See video below. And, appar­ent­ly, a Wikipedia.



  2. Appar­ent­ly, I was drink­ing as I wrote this. I offer up my ser­vices. Sheeesh.

  3. I got a fever, and the only pre­scrip­tion is.….more cowbell!’

    Fun fact, when you type ‘more’ into google search, the first sug­gest­ed search is ‘more cowbell’.

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